Intro Blog

Intro Blog

    Well, well, well... A seemingly encumbering weight has just been dropped from the ceiling onto my spine. My name is Alec Zamudio and I am a 10th grader taking AICE Media Studies AS. My first thoughts of the class was that would be slow-paced and very introductive class, but I soon learned that this would be a hands-on class where we learn by completing various projects that tested our knowledge of "media studies." In a very fast-paced class today, we were introduced to making or blogs to begin our first project. We must make a 30 sec commercial that we design, script, film, and edit. I was very intrigued by these commercials, they were well composed and executed. Even the camera quality was amazing, capturing rays of light and droplets of water at very appealing resolutions. Even the editing looked professional, making an ad that truly "flowed" and was easy to follow. Apart from the lighting and set, there were not that many noticeable flaws with the student's work. I wonder what kind of equipment I need to get some results like that. I know it also has to do with the positioning and lighting, but maybe I could also look for an external lens to help the quality of my iPhone 11. I'm thinking of something to help the quality of the photos and to allow me to make quality zooms to get the shots I yearn. Some of the camera angles and filming techniques looked very difficult for me to try to act and film by myself. I might also need some starter equipment to get some shots like a canted or an extreme close up. The class also must refer to our previous PowerPoint that had many useful filming terms and different shots that we must include in our advertisement. I'm sure glad I included all my examples and definitions in that PowerPoint. We must also start doing regular blogs for this project to cumulatively submit to Cambridge as part of our project. I set up my Blogger using some of the instructions we got in class. The program seems very straight forward in terms of consistently blogging, but I am still confused on how my teacher will be able to view the blog to grade it.  I say "we" as we are allowed to work in up to groups of 4. However, due to district mandated seating charts, moving social interactions around the room is all but impossible. But even, if I was able to find some partners, it would take a lot of communication and work before we start collaborating, especially if it affects our grades. I'm a little nervous with this workload and my time management skills but very excited to with this class and getting a dive into the world of film.

First time user interface of Blogger immediately after signing up.


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