Planning: Storyboard

Scenes 1-6

In the beginning of the film, the first shot will establish the dark setting of the scene. It will be an establishing shot that tilts on a street to show the moonlight night and a small suburban neighborhood. The next three scenes introduce the interior of the house and the victims of the killer's first crimes.

Scenes 7-12

The main protagonist will come home, sensing that something is not right, and wander a quiet home. He will soon make the discovery that his family was murdered and will fill with vengeance.

Scenes 13-18

The father of the family will use the police to ask for help finding the, but with no luck. After some time passes, we can still see the emotional trauma the loss has caused. We feel that this helps develop the character.

Scenes 19-24

The father, now motivated to avenge his family, will recruit his friends for help and take matters in their own hands. They will find evidence that will begin a chase for the killer.

Scenes 25-30

The next scenes show the determination of the father to trace the killer, which reveals a closer connection to his friend. This additionally develops to resiliency and coping of the protagonist before continuing the search.

Scenes 31-36

After a long search, the father and his friend arrive back at the murder scene to look for more clues, before finding out something is eerily wrong with the situation. They begin to rush after a fleeing officer who acts suspicious.

Scenes 37-42

The father chases down the suspects and subdues him in a field. After taking him hostage, the suspect pleads his innocence.

Scenes 43-48

The protagonist takes the suspect for interrogation, but only before the suspect frees himself and and commits suicide. However, in his dying breaths, he gives the father with one final clue.

Scenes 49-54

After the strange encounter, the protagonist resumes the search for clues about the killer. However, he receives an eerie phone call that frightens the father.

Scenes 55-60

The father begins to panic, as the doorbell rings and he becomes paranoid that the killer intruded into the home. Before he knows what happened, the killer appears behind him and the film ends.


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