Steep Planning

 Planning Blog


        For our Snapple commercial, our props will be the fruits from the corresponding flavors of the unique teas and other beverages. For some easily accessible fruits, it was decided on peaches, lemons, oranges, and apples. We might also add some new produce depending on whatever other flavors we choose to add. Our other props would include the beverages themselves, along with chilled glasses or other containers.


        Since the focus and subjects of the commercial would be the fruits themselves, we thought to refrain from adding costumes to the inanimate objects apart from light activewear one of us would be wearing for a few seconds. We would be adding things such as water droplets on our fruit props to imitate perspiration to personify them as actors and show emotion. It would not make sense to give the fruit clothing, as it might over exaggerate the humanness of the fruit and cause them to associate the drink being made up of a living thing.... not exactly ideal. In choosing our fruits, we would have to check for visible imperfections and select only the best looking fruits.


        9/24/21 - Our group will begin to create the storyboard, as well as review the props and equipment we will need to get over the weekend. This way, we will have time to make our final prop selections and filming gear.

        9/28/21 - The storyboard script should be completed by today, and we will collectively illustrate.

        9/30/21 -  We will assemble our props, equipment begin filming, focusing on incorporating our various camera angles and movement. Remember to include this on filming blogs.

        10/4/21 - Review all footage and keep trying to get the perfect shot.

        10/6/21 - Edit the video and apply different effects, cuts, and record voice over. Continuously revise and re edit.

        10/8/21 - Final Commercial is due.

        Location List

We will record at the outside courtyard in the cafeteria, right next to the auditorium. We can use the flat, white, concrete and the small plot of grass. Using the bright sunlight and cool drink, we can emphasize that Snapple is the perfect drink for great days outside. 

       Backup Plan

If it begins to rain, we will go to 2nd floor of the cafeteria and record using the windows as a backdrop. 


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