Commercial Blog


Overall, I am pretty satisfied with my final commercial. Considering this is my first ever project, I am the most impressed by the editing. It took many attempts and some additional experimenting with different software. Experience is key with the editing and the digital manipulation of your footage to make it more appealing. Even some advanced hardware components are needed to render and processing videos of high resolution and framerates. I think I must work on my camera handling to produce some smoother, consistent footage. This way, editing becomes easier and does not take attention away from the main subject of the advertisement. I noticed when trying in auto-stabilizer in the editing software, it could hardly stabilize it without severely altering the borders and original clip. In other words, this project taught me that this kind of work requires great execution of every single component, without overly relying on just one step. This kind of cumulative quality will require good time management skills, which is a trait I need to improve on.


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