Creative Critical Reflection Blog


Creative Critical Reflection

1.     1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups     or issues?

 My product challenges the common convention that many drinks must be artificially flavored and produced to be delicious and appealing. Snapple uses natural flavors and real ingredients to create a pure, refreshing taste. Snapple also supports ethical treatment in the workplace, fostering equal engagement and opportunity for employees. Snapple also makes sure that safety is number one priority by standardizing safety reports and creating plans for improvement.


2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text?

 My product engages with audiences by combining a persuasive ad with a simple, honest product to encourage people to consume the drink. It could be distributed online as a digital video for people to view individually, or could be viewed in larger commercial areas, such as televised commercials, billboards, in displays at retailers. The advertisements would not even have to be too extravagant. Simple, posters at checkout lanes or posters and tags in the aisles could slip subtle reminders to make customers long for the drink.


3.         3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

 My skills gradually developed during this project as I started storyboarding my ideas. Prior to this, I had not illustrated and described my plan step by step for production. This gave me a reference that I could come back to if I was ever come back for clarification during filming or editing. I actually followed this method several times to make sure that what I was doing in every stage satisfied the rubric. I developed flexibility during filming, as I needed to quickly adjust to even the smallest changed in the weather, from gusts of winds to even a slight moment of overcast which would block my lighting. I had to move quickly and efficiently if I wanted to maximize my chance of getting good shots, 



 4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

I used a number of technologies in this project from editing, filming, and even getting inspiration. I noticed from online videos that excessive dialogue distracted attention from the product to the actors. With Google Drive, I could upload all of my videos to the cloud so I could access select clips later for editing without having to sort throughout them one by one. I managed to use my laptop with a better CPU, GPU, and RAM than a school computer to render and edit my commercial in a higher quality more efficiently than a school computer. Prior to the editing, I had to use video sharing apps like YouTube to learn some techniques that I could use. During editing I used softwares such as Adobe PremierPro and Wondershare FilmoraX to simply cut my footage, add the audio and music, remove background noise, adjust colors, and add transitions. These programs made editing the video much easier than a standard stock editor attached to a digital camera. Technologies was heavily relied on, even if it was to check if the drink was in stock in certain stores.




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