
     Today was the first day of editing. The night before, I had painstakingly uploaded all of my footage from my camera roll to the Google Drive. This took about 20 minutes and used up about 800 megabytes of  cloud storage. Anyways, when I began editing in class today, I then my footage again and started to download them from the google drive to my computer. I began with the first shots of the fruits from the storyboard. I plan to follow storyboard during editing. This way, I can manage the length of the clips to have a smooth commercial that makes sense that will satisfy the time constraints and rubrics. From here I would put them in Adobe Premier Pro, and use the features to try and make the best cinematic experience possible. Considering the factors that makes things appealing to the eye, it will have to have good timings, speed, and color to truly highlight the Snapple that is being advertised. The best way for me to do this would to just experiment with my clips and keep testing small adjustments until I find the best possible results. I don't have a lot of dialogue and characters, so the highlight of the entire ad will be my visuals. This also brings up the fact that I will need to add the voiceover at just the right volume to not be too loud, while also sounding clear when played over the background music. This music will have to be synchronized; the tempo of the music should also dictate and provide clear insight on whether or not the clips should be fast or slow. The same should be said about the opposite, the video will have to depict the mood and expression by the music. For example, a fade out on the screen should be a decrescendo with the music; a change from a fast clip to a slow clip should be accompanied by a bass drop and a faster, louder melody. Again, I will continue to make small adjustments until it seems just right. I do not have a lot of experience with editing in Premier Pro, so it was initially very intimidating. To make matters worse, the combination of the intermittently working school internet combined with battery saving mode caused Premier to stutter and have trouble managing the video, making it even harder to get some editing done. I still will have to review and practice working in Premier to save more time and boost productivity for next session. I must learn to change the playback speed, to adjust it for the constant transitions from different clips, and to change the color in Premier. I feel that a couple tutorials, a variety of different types of clips, and a few hours will be what I need to complete this project.


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