Storyboard Blog

 First Scene

To begin, we will start with a ground level scene with a pan on an entire grass lawn. I hope to capture the dirt, the roots, and the green blades.

Second Scene

This will be a simple extreme close up scene on a leaf with water trickling down. The camera will then track the drop and might do a flash or fade transition to the next scene. 

Third Scene

For the third scene, it will include a cutaway to a computer screen where a mouse is hovered over a play button during the crescendo of the song. The screen will have some other text that summarizes the theme to clarify the plot of the video before the mouse clicks the screen.

Fourth Scene

There will be a pan of a residential skyline to show urbanization and emphasize the amount of people in a given area. It will be a wide angle establishing shot that puts the number into perspective.

Fifth Scene

This scene will happen in the main melody and will be a simple high angle shot of a puddle in a street.

Sixth Scene

This is just an alteration of the fifth, but in grayscale and will trash and litter scattered about the shot. This combined with the context of the fourth scene should demonstrate the small scale human impact on the environment.

Seventh Scene

This is another shot of a long sidewalk lengthwise with the natural vegetation on both sides. It will seem to stretch as far as the eye can see.

Eighth Scene

Nearly identical to the first, except in grayscale, with even more rubbish strewn on the sides. Again, this highlights manmade pollution in the environment.

Ninth Scene

This will take the video into a more positive note. It will be a shot of an arm and a hand gathering up the trash in the previous scenes.

Tenth Scene

In this scene, there will be a medium-close up tracking shot that follows the gathered trash as it is kicked into the bin on the other side of the set.

Eleventh Scene

This scene will act as a montage of the changes and improvements that happened over the course of the video. I hope to edit the color and add some effects to make the new versions of the old scene to appear "greener."

Twelfth Scene

Finally, the camera will be positioned at a medium shot and will pan up from the very first scene of the video into a sunset. The screen will then fade out into black.


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