Rain Rain Go Away...

 Today was both a perfect and horrible day for filming. To begin with, the heavy downpour in the area had been going one for hours until late afternoon. With the recent time adjustments, the sun begins to set much earlier in the day, so the sun is nearly setting, giving a lighting that could be seen as the beginning of the sunset or the break of dawn. This would help the video seem to be organized chronologically since the first scenes would look like the start of the day. As I began to film, I immediately ran into some problems. Although the scenery looked nice, it was incredibly slippery and hard to get stable footage of all of my tracking shots.  After a few attempts, I realized I needed much more planning. I would need more time to think of a solution for the slippery set. Even on places that are resistant to slipping, such as the asphalt for the road scene, it was difficult to film. I was trying to get my camera perpendicular to the ground to show the flat surface of the road. I was not prepared, since it was very hard for me to move steadily and keep my lower body out of the shot. This might have been also because I was looking at the digital screen, forcing me to get closer than I needed. However, the sun was soon beginning to set and I would run out of light. I do think I managed to get a good scene of the raindrops on the leaf. The picture below was taken from one of the videos that I think will made the final cut. Moving forward, I think I might have to take all the videos blindly, then quickly review them to see if I have to redo them. But this could make organizing all the clips much more difficult during editing. I would need to go into the cloud drive, preview each video, and insert it before even starting to edit it. This coupled with the fact that this final project should be three times as long as any other project I have attempted will certainly make these stages a challenge. Hopefully the weather will permit more creative solutions for filming.


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