The Silver Lining

Today had  almost perfect conditions for filming. To begin with the weather was nice, a clear sky with cool air. I managed to retake some of the shots that were still very shaky. They turned out much more stable and the movement of the camera was at a much more consistent speed. When filming, I was able to steady my hands and stay level with the ground. Since it was not wet, I had no problem in slowly moving my arms and hands without slipping. I also tried carefully dragging the camera on the sidewalk to avoid unwanted tilts. However, this just made the entire video shaky and I eventually just tried to stay as still as possible. The final shot of the scene came out fairly good. It was steady and consistent throughout. My only concern is that I cast a large shadow because of the time of day when I recorded. Here, the Sun was at my back and no matter how close to the ground I got, I could not completely get rid of it. However, I hope that with the right effects this will not be as noticeable. Especially when there will be other effects and filters applied during editing. In addition to this shot, I managed to get a zoom of looking down the length of the sidewalk. Since this was a high angle shot, I did not use any special technique to film. Additionally, this was an angle perpendicular to the Sun so there was no shadow within the frame. From here, I slowly walked forward, trying not to capture any of the objects in the background of the street. Any random objects, cars, or people walking about would have messed with my theme of the video. After only a couple minutes I had the videos for all but three scenes planned. It was now just a matter of using masks to add in the props.


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