Genre Research: Adventure

 In an adventure film, a character usually explores or discovers things across a usually vast and exotic setting  This genre is often combined with other genres.

Common shots include establishing shots to strongly emphasize the location. It will highlight the stunning detail and create a jaw-dropping view.  This is frequently combined with aerial shots to put the character in perspective with the setting. It might also use tracking shots and medium long shots to show the character navigating to their (usually) new surroundings. 

The costumes in this genre usually contain outdoor clothing and other necessary garments for survival. The lighting has a heavy emphasis on the nature. This means that most of the lighting will come from the bright sun in the day or a full moon at night. Actors will often acted dazed and captivated with their surroundings. Oftentimes, they are athletic to move through rough terrain. They usually appear to be dirty or sweaty from prolonged times outside. In this genre, props can be anything, from objects the character may bring leading up to their adventure to artifacts and natural objects they may use. As previously mentioned, the setting is one of the main features of the genre. This can be a broad range of landscapes, from an endless mountain ranges, a desolate desert, to an ancient jungle within a valley. It can usually happen at any time of day, as long as the time flows chronologically with the plot and the actions of the characters.

Their is not much sound apart from the character's own dialogue and the score, which is usually grand and majestic to match a large and important setting. There may be some occurrences of ambient sound, such as birds chirping,  

Editing in this genre of film is usually not complicated. The most common edit would be a simple jump cut as the character moves from places to place.

One aspect I like about the genre is how simple the editing would be. It would not take long after filming to create the finished product. Additionally, since this focuses on the setting, the plot would use a lot of foreshadowing and could be manageable as one person. The main thing I dislike about the genre is the monotony of the sound. Overall, I think this genre could be a favorite of mine to produce and direct.


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