Licensing (Production Blog #1)

 I have finally started producing this final project for Media Studies AS Level. As I still need more equipment and time, filming will be slightly postponed. However, I can begin to look for music to use in the final titles. Since I plan on setting my sequence at night, I want a relaxing, dark mood to be portrayed by the song that can fade into the night. Another thing I will have to look out for is licensing and copyright. I can only use songs that I have the rights to use, which either means finding copyright free songs, or getting direct permission from an artist or label. This is not ideal, since I will have to find a way to contact them. Additionally, it will take far too long to wait for a response. As a result, I have chosen to find copyright free music. I started by going to YouTube, and looked for free to you "night music." It took many tries listening to finally refine the search and find the right tags. In this search, I stumbled upon the Creative Commons License. This license essentially allows the reuse of an uploaded work in other unique projects with very few restrictions. Some versions allow or refuse the reuse of the content in question. Finally, I found I song with a (reuse allowed) Creative Commons License. The song is a reupload of "Night Chase-Hensonn". I know there were other options I had in mind, but this song gave the right mood, and would not distract from the actual title sequence.


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