Empty Space
After looking at my room, I realized that there is simply too much space. It seems empty and gives off the impression of a set, rather than an actual room that someone lives and works in. I am trying to think of and find more natural props that can fill up space. However, these objects must also serve meaning within the context of the film. I think that I can add something as simple as using plants. This still, cool toned objects could give my setting a modern feel. I managed to find a leafy green house plant. It is contained by a rounded metal bowl. I then had this resting upon a stool from the living room. This filled up the corner nicely, but I felt the contrast of the yellow stool and the plant was out of place. As a result, I moved my desk closer to the wall to get rid of the space shown towards the corner. Next, I used a 4 foot green beanbag to cushion the whole space. Not only does this fill the whole space nicely, but it maintains the same cool tone with its deep green color. Since it is malleable, it rounds out the sharp corners of the desk and room. After a couple of practice takes, I notice that the lights are still giving off a warm yellow tone. This really conflicts with the cool tones on the desk that I have just worked to fix. I would need a neutral or other cool toned lighting to set the rest of the scene. However, the only way I could get neutral lighting is from the natural light in the middle of the day or the early afternoon. This raises that problem of timing since I will be at school during the ideal filming times. My hope is that I can get home as soon as possible and immediately film.
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